ARTICLE: Practical Steps During Covid

Practical Steps During Covid

The Covid crisis has changed many things.  Some of us are social distancing, reducing the errands we run, or even tightening the belt due to economic concerns.

Even in normal times the lurking uncertainty can be hard but during a crisis the uncertainty can be overbearing.   What can we do? 

We can take action to plan for ourselves and our families. 

We always recommend planning, no matter how simple, and during a crisis it is even more  important.  Think about the following:

  • If you get sick and cannot speak for yourself, what do you want to happen in the hospital?  Does anyone know whether you want to be intubated?  Have you prepared a Living Will?
  • If you are in the hospital or quarantined at home, can someone else go to the bank for you?  (adding someone’s name to you account is NOT the best way to handle that) Can someone else pay your bills for you?  Do you have a Power of Attorney?
  • If you die, does anyone know where your bank accounts are?  Have you executed a Last Will and Testament to help your family and friends through probate?  Do you have a trust?  Does anyone know where it is?

Now is the time to consider these items and make a plan.  We are meeting with clients both in person and virtually using the internet in order to help them make a plan for these practical things during uncertain times.  Planning helps lighten the weight of uncertainty.

Call us to set up an appointment and we can talk about the legal documents you need during the Covid crisis.  918-901-7777 or email us at

Jorjana Marx, JD

Blaine Frizzell, JD, LLM

Todd Whatley, JD, LLM, CELA

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Let us help you. As a Senior, you need an attorney that can meet your specific legal needs at this point in your life. Your legal needs are not the same now as they were even 20 years ago. You need attorneys who know those needs very well. We are experienced Elder Law attorneys and we would love to work with you.