Have you been thinking about transitioning your parent to a care facility or a nursing home? Many of us have gone through this process and we know it is not an easy matter, no matter how badly it is needed. Often your parent does not want to leave the home he has lived in for so many Continue reading
Author: Tom
“Of Course I can sign for him, I’m his wife”
“I have power of attorney because I’m his wife!”
As Elder Law attorneys we always recommend that clients have current, expanded, elder-law powers of attorney. Sometimes there is confusion around those documents and we help our clients understand the reasons why we recommend them. Continue reading
Practical Steps During Covid
The Covid crisis has changed many things. Some of us are social distancing, reducing the errands we run, or even tightening the belt due to economic concerns.
Even in normal times the lurking uncertainty can be hard but during a crisis the uncertainty can be overbearing. What can Continue reading
Are Your Affairs in Order?
As of me writing this (late July 2020), we are definitely living in a very different time. I don’t think of myself as “old” but I do have more than a few decades under my belt. I’ve never seen nor even imagined a time such as this. The aging population during times of quarantine need Continue reading
Is a Family Caregiver the Right Decision?
Family caregivers are truly unsung heroes. They volunteer to provide physical and emotional care for their elderly, ill and/or disabled loved ones without fanfare or pay. According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, nearly 44 million Americans provided unpaid care to a dependent Continue reading
We are finally recognizing the need for Elder Law Attorneys
The American Bar Association just posted a great article about the need for Elder Law experts. This does a good job of showing why you need the expertise of an attorney who really knows the implications of estate planning, Medicaid, Veteran’s Benefits, Medicine and Social Work (anything Continue reading